Selected Publications
Paek, J. J. W., Goya-Tocchetto, D. & Wade-Benzoni, K. A. (Forthcoming). The Andrew Carnegie Effect: Legacy motives increase the intergenerational allocation of wealth to collective causes. Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Jost, J. T., Kay, A. C., & Goya‐Tocchetto, D. (Forthcoming) Left-Right Psychological Differences and Their Implications for Political Polarization. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
Goya-Tocchetto, D. and Davidai, S. (2022) Reducing class-based prejudice with simple reminders of how socioeconomic background impacts individual achievements. Academy of Management Proceedings. *Best Paper
Goya-Tocchetto, D., Kay, A., Vuletich, H., Vonasch, A., & Payne, K. (2022). The partisan trade-off bias: When political polarization meets policy trade-offs. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, V.98, 104231.
Goya-Tocchetto, D., & Payne, K. (2022). How economic inequality shapes thought and action. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Amira, K., Wright, J., & Goya-Tocchetto, D. (2021) In-group Love versus Out-group Hate: which is more important to partisans and when? Political Behavior: 1-22.